Philodendron Selloum


Philodendron Selloum

Philodendron selloum or the tree philodendron always gives a great way to add a tropical touch to any space in your house. This type of plant is easy to care for and have beautiful, broad tropical leaves that will liven up your home. The word philodendron comes from Greek which means “tree loving”. There are roughly 450 variants in this genus, all of which are easily familier by their big green leaves that may grow up to 5 feet long. The glossy dark green leaves are big and strongly lobed.

This plant is native to South America, although it also grows in the United States East and Gulf coasts. The easy-care, self-heading philodendron selloum takes up a lot of room when planted indoors, typically spreading out 5ft. or more with 2ft.-3ft. leaves. The philodendron is also known as “horse head philodendron,” “hope philodendron,” “lacy tree philodendron,” and “split leaf philodendron.”

How to Care

This type of plant grows best in bright, indirect light. Too much light will turn the beautiful green leaves yellow. The tree philodendron prefers soil that is dark, rich, and somewhat alkaline. To avoid overwatering and root rot, the soil should maintain moisture while draining adequately. The soil should be somewhat damp but not waterlogged or soaked at all times.

Feed a water-soluble balanced fertilizer diluted to 12 half the recommended strength once a month in the spring, summer, and fall. Excess salt in the soil can cause leaf burn if too much plant food is used. dWarm temperatures over 55°F (12.8°C) are ideal for Philodendron sellouts. During the winter, keep these plants away from drafts and open doors. To thrive, it requires a more humid atmosphere. Place your selloum near a humidifier or on a wet pebble tray if your house or office is extremely dry in the winter.

Toxicity of Philodendron Selloum

A philodendron selloum is a highly toxic houseplant with toxicity.  Calcium oxalate crystals are in philodendron plants. Symptoms of eating any component of the plant include mouth discomfort, drooling (in dogs and cats), and vomiting.


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